
About Me

Hi Everyone! ^_^

My IGN: MissSmithyChee

I live in Indonesia, in a small city called Cirebon, about 5 hours using car from Jakarta. Yes, Jakarta, it's in this game too, right? :)

My Country mate gather for our Independence Day

I'm a member of Golden Horde company in this game. I was their 2nd leader. But being a leader so frustrating, so I stop. I'm happy to see this company still standing and proud whoever their leader now.

Latest Golden Horde company picture
I've been playing this game since 6th month this server opened. Well, I wasn't using this IGN that time. After learning how to play for about 6 months, I made this char.
I know previous Uncharted Waters game since teenager. That time we still using 486 desktop computers. Using diskettes. XD
Since then I've been hunting all kind sailing ship game, almost in every platform (Nintendo, Sega, SNES, PSX, PS2, and PC)
I learned a lot from this game, things I never thought before. I learned history about ships, even physics in sailing ship.

About a year ago, I got job on real life salvage company. I was afraid of seasick. My position was logistic. So my job is making sure those worker on the sea have their supply.
Off course I should sail there delivering those supplies. And amazingly, I got no seasick at all.
I tried to dive, but my ears feels so hurts. So I just watching from the ship, and get back before night come.

Now I'm back to this game. I found out so many new player. But some tips and tricks are missing. No one using it, or maybe no one know about it.
So I decide to make this blog. To share what I know, what I've learned.

I'm not perfect, my tips and tricks may have flaws. I would love to hear critics, opinion, comment or anything so I can make this blog better and more informative to every players.

Well... happy sailing everyone. ^_^

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