
Florence Advance Production

Now you have learned how to collect point for Florence.
Here I will tell you how to use it.
Basically its the same as producing stuff using recipes book. The different is, you need point to do this.

The process still from craftsman. You will see this menu.

This recipes list will be changed weekly. Sometime they showed rare recipes. When you choose a recipe, you will see the same menu as you normally producing using recipe book, but this time you also see point you will spend, and how much point you have left.

Next topic will be about monthly recipe of Florence. Monthly? Yes, they have weekly and monthly recipes.

Florence Share Info

Its been awhile since my last post.
Today I will explain about 1st step in Florence Recipe. Florence recipe need Industrial Contribution. How to collect Industrial Contribution? You gonna need some trade goods, and talk with craftsman in any town, choose share info.

You will see this menu.

You can share 3x / day. Each trade goods will give different point. As you can see in this pictures Zinc Ore will give point to Casting and Handicrafts.
Me and my friends has been working to collect data for this. Here is the link.

Florence Database

Its not 100% yet, but we have progress.

As you can see, there are 2 point in the picture. All point from your trade goods, will be gathered inside bracket first. Every week (usually every Sunday), all point inside bracket will be accumulated to the left.
Point on the left are point you can use to produce any recipe available in Florence.

Sometime when you share info, the craftsman will say these:

When you give what they want, this will boost your point.
Example, for specialty from balkan you can use marble. In the database, marble will give point about 3 casting contribution and 2 handicrafts contribution. But when the craftsman ask for this, marble will gives like 8 casting point and 8 handicrafts point.
But when the craftsman ask said "Cook is researching North Sea Seafood" what you have to do is find the ingredients and share it to craftsman. I used ivyro and i found so many recipes there. You just have to pick 1, compare the point to my database. Example I choose herring, it gives 1 cooking point and 1 storage point. Since the craftsman said "Cook is researching...", this mean, you will get boost on cooking point. Using herring will give you 11 cooking point and 1 storage point.

Keep in mind, those point may change 1 or 2 point, that simply how the game works.

Shipbuilding part 7, Improvement WARNING!

This is important issue. I have heard rumor about this, so I decided to experiment to prove this issue.

The result is... its true.
What rumor? This will happen on ship with penalties.

As you can see I built a ship with penalties.

And this is the improved stat (or should I call penalties).

The problems come when you try to improve the ship, maybe you will change the cargo a bit. Maybe you don't like your ship have penalties so you decide to set cargo to effective range on your next improve. The problem is you can't. Once you set penalties on your ship it will stay there.

Worse problem is, after you set to effective range. You realized the penalties stay there. So you think you will set it back to penalties range on the other improvement. DON'T!

This is the result if you do that.

I remember it wasn't like this. I'm not sure if this is a bugs or not.
Whatever it is, avoid doing this. If you're not sure with your ship cargo, maybe better to keep their cargo set up on effective range first and stay with it until final improvement.

Shipbuilding part 6, Original Skill

This part of shipbuilding didn't actually improved ship stat. It only giving additional skill to your ship. Some skill has hidden stat like Bullet Proof Armoring which has hidden +10 armor. 

But how?

Choose Build Original Ship from shipyard.

Choose a ship. As you can see, my already has original skill. You can't delete original skill from a ship, but you can replace the old one.

This process will need Original Ship Permit (OSP). It's NOT SSIP. You can get OSP by converting 200 Patriot Awards (PA) from secretary in your nation castle.

How much OSP you need for each process will be vary, but no more than 3 OSP.

Yes, this process still need parts, but this parts won't give any additional improvement stat.

Now this ship has new Original Skill. Maybe this is the end of shipbuilding tutor. Maybe not... :P

Shipbuilding part 5, Paneling and Dismantling

We have a freedom to choose material for our ship only available on normal shipbuilding.
For freestyle ship or NC ship we need panels.

For trader and adventurer they usually use teak panel for more speed. While maritimer usually choose official panel because it offer more speed and durability compared to iron.

How we do it?
Panel considered as armament parts. So you can use it as parts when building a freestyle ship or when improving ship.

Here I'm using French panel for my ship.

When your ship has been improved using panels, you can see additional info in your improved performance menu explain the material your ship has. You won't see this if your ship has default material.

Since panel use 1 slot of armament, it feels like a waste.
We have dismantling. Dismantling will reset your ship improvement back to 0/X. Fortunately, dismantling only remove improvement slot back to 0/X but not the material. Once your ship has been paneled with teak, or french panel for example, when u dismantle it, this material will stay attached to your ship.

How to dismantle? When you choose special shipbuilding from shipyard master, you will see Reset Performance on the bottom.

You will need special shipbuilding dismantled techniques for this.
Dismantling your ship also didn't remove original skill.
Original skill? I will explain that on next part. ^_^

Shipbuilding part 4, Improvement (updated)

Lets start the art of shipbuilding.
It's the same as freestyle shipbuilding.

But this time you choose the ship you want to improve. Don't equip your ship.

Unlike freestyle shipbuilding, you don't need Hull part. I would suggest prepared at least 2 armament part and 1 sail part, unless your ship already has max sail improvement.

You also need special shipbuilding permit (SSIP) before you can start improving your ship. As you can see on the bottom left menu, this improvement need 2 SSIP, and I have 59 SSIP in my bag.
How much SSIP you need for each improvement will be vary as shown in this menu.

The required rank for each improvement also increase. Fleet with R19 or R20 shipbuilder are highly recommended if you're looking for great success result on your improvement.

Now we will take a closer look on improvement stat. I presume you have read part 3 of shipbuilding in this blog.

As you can see, improvement has limit. Even if you have improvement value 150, while your upper limit is 50, you will have 50 only, and waste 100 improvement.
Understand your ship limit will help you decide to improve your ship wisely and in the end also help the resell value of your ship.
However, its not working with negatives stat as bellow.

Even you have limit 17, don't forget it is Upper Limit. There's no lower limit for improvement. As you can see in this picture, it has -32 on hold capacity. Since we have aide ship, this won't be a big deal isn't it.

When a ship has reach max improve. Some ship can have additional improvement slot. As you can see with this ship bellow.

You can go to colony and get extra ship improvement.

And you will see this menu.

Ship which has red colored "Extra Improvements" mean they can't have more extra improvement.
Each extra improvement will need 1 SSIP.

Doing this will increase your ship level requirement. In this ship, it increase it maritime level from 17 into 22. Increasing level also mean increasing "required shipbuilder rank" for next improvement.

Here you can see the 1 of the ship has been increased the improvement slot.

Suggested when you have a ship with 0/5 improvement, improve your ship into 5/5 first before adding extra improvement slot to 5/6. If your ship able to have 2 extra improvement, then you should make it to 6/6 first, before adding the last extra improvement into 6/7, and finally 7/7.

I guess this should be enough for improvement part.

Shipbuilding part 3, Ship Handling Proficiency

Okay, now I will open, my freestyle ship result from previous part.

I have estimation like this...

And I have my ship result like this...

It seems my ship result is bad... :(
Not really, my ship handling proficiency (SHP) is 0/80. You will see it on bottom right. When your ship has full SHP, your ship will show its true improvement power.
How to raise this?
  1. You can produce something and sailing on that ship.
  2. Sea battles. I don't know if land battle will help too.
  3. You can go to colony which has arsenal.

This NPC in colony will raise your SHP about 30%.

After raising my SHP, I can see that my ship just so-so... :(
No great success nor failed stats.

This parts very short, I decided not to mix this parts with freestyle nor improvement.

We will meet again, on the next part, about improvement.

Shipbuilding part 2, Freestyle Shipbuilding (updated)

This is more advance way of shipbuilding. Most player call this Freestyle.
We can build freestyle ship at shipyard. But usually, some freestyle ships need invest before you can build the ship.

And you will see this menu.

Choose build ship.

If you have hull parts in your inventory, you will see list of ship you can build using that hull in your chosen ports. Once again, sometime you need to invest before you can see the ship. When you sure you have the ship you want build, you will see this menu.

Different from normal shipbuilding, you can't decide what material you want to use on freestyle building. You will see their default material on bottom left of this menu.
Some cases, you can build the same ship in different town, but each town has different default material (example: Frigate). Or you can build the same ship, with different hull part will give different material (example: Vaisseau and Official Vaisseau).

Next step...

Beside Hull part, you will need 1 main sail part, 1 gunport part, and at least 1 armament part or you wont be able to click ok to build the ship. I prefer to suggest prepare 2 armament part.
You will see a list of parts you can use to build the ship on the left menu. When you have parts you can't use on this ship, it will turn greyed.
Simply click ship parts you want to use, and it will automatically moved and fill the slot.
Be warned, combination of ship parts will give a ship skill when your ship ready.

This parts combination I use will give Improved Gun Port skill to my ship.
Every parts you use will also give improvement stat as you con see above. This is the estimation value you will get on your ship when its ready. When you get Highest result, that mean your ship has (a) great success on improvement. Let see the result of my ship (I hope its good).

I have Improved Gun Port skill installed. We call skill acquired from freestyle or improvement as Optional Skill. Every ship has their own unique optional skills.
And my ship has 1/6 which mean my ship has 1 improvement of 6 improvement allowed. Yes, freestyle shipbuilding is like a mix of normal shipbuilding and improvement. But we are not talking about improvement here.
And my ship now has improvement stat.

Tadaa... she has improvement stat. Is it good?
Hmm... lets end this here for now.
See ya on the next part of shipbuilding. ^_^

Shipbuilding part 1, Normal Build (updated)

I found out my explanation on my previous shipbuilding tutor was confusing and still lack of information. This time I try to explain everything more detailed.

Okay to start building a ship, you will need Shipbuilding skill. We can build ships at shipyard.

Then you will see this menu.

You will see a list of ship you can build in that shipyard. This list will be vary each port. Example: you can build Dhow in Beirut, or Sambuk in India.
Higher shipbuilding rank will allow you to build bigger and better ship.
Yes, there is build cost to build a ship. You still need to pay the wage of the worker. But still cheaper than buying ship from NPC.
Waiting time mean after you finish building your ship, you need to wait  on the sea.

This ship need 2 days to build, so you have to wait 2 days on the sea. Higher rank ship will take more time to build and more expensive.
UWO shipyard has delivery system. Example, you can build Sambuk in Calicut, and instead of waiting near Calicut, you can sail back and receive your Sambuk in Seville. Very convenient.

Next step...

This is a list of material you can apply to your ship. Higher shipbuilding rank will give more material to choose. Different port also has different material list. Like in India you will find teak and rosewood, but you can't find iron.
No, we are not talking about panels here. We will talk about panels in another part.

In this menu, we can modified the ship cargo.
Current capacity = default cargo, or previous cargo set up this ship get from previous improvement (which we are not talking here).
Effective Range = allowed set up without giving penalties to your ship.
Range = allowed set up, if you do it more than effective range, your ship will get penalties.
Max Capacity = current cargo set up.
Higher shipbuilding rank will give wider range for cargo setup, and also better effective range. Example R19 can set cargo at 195 without having penalties, while R18 definitely will have penalties when he/she set cargo on 195.
Penalties? Yes penalties. These pictures will explain it.

Max. Effective

Max. Penalty

Min. Effective

Min. Penalty
We call cargo minimum set up as speed mode. Lighter ship = more speed. But with these penalties means you need to improve this ship.
If you build a ship with penalties, these stat will be applied to your improvement stat as shown in this picture.

Sometime (maybe mostly) aide ship will has max penalty, because we only need more cargo for them, not speed.

Okay, this is the end of Part 1 before I start explaining improvement in this page. That would be out of topic.