
Shipbuilding part 7, Improvement WARNING!

This is important issue. I have heard rumor about this, so I decided to experiment to prove this issue.

The result is... its true.
What rumor? This will happen on ship with penalties.

As you can see I built a ship with penalties.

And this is the improved stat (or should I call penalties).

The problems come when you try to improve the ship, maybe you will change the cargo a bit. Maybe you don't like your ship have penalties so you decide to set cargo to effective range on your next improve. The problem is you can't. Once you set penalties on your ship it will stay there.

Worse problem is, after you set to effective range. You realized the penalties stay there. So you think you will set it back to penalties range on the other improvement. DON'T!

This is the result if you do that.

I remember it wasn't like this. I'm not sure if this is a bugs or not.
Whatever it is, avoid doing this. If you're not sure with your ship cargo, maybe better to keep their cargo set up on effective range first and stay with it until final improvement.

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