
Start playing UWO properly

I suggested to start as adventurer, because you will get the Sail Handling skill. You may start as merchant or maritime, but for the beginning i prefer to start as adventurer because you will get fast ship which is benefit to finish your school faster. I know you hate school. ^_^

After final beginner adventure school quest, you will get a box which contain Basic Adventure/Merchant/Maritime Guild Card and a ship! If you start as as adventurer, then you will get a faster ship than your adventure barca.
Before continue its a good idea to make use the basic guild card. Before changing job you will see list of available job for you to learn, and when u click it, u will see skills favored to that job. This really helpful to see what skill u want to learn, and what job has it favored. And after you changed job, u can immediately learn skill from the guild manager.
I prefer to choose fisher as my 2nd job, and learn fishing, procurement, storage, and you can add collection if you need it too. These skills are important for surviving on the sea. This job also has +1 on fishing rank which make fishing a lot easier (fishing often snap the line on rank 1).

Now we continue to intermediate school.
From this school, normally you will get 1 merchant guild card, 1 adventure guild card, and 1 maritime guild card.
You also get weapon, depends what course you take, what important in this weapon are the +'s on skills. Very good for grinding your skills at start.
Don't forget, u also get a new ship. But usually you can't use the ship yet, not enough level to use it. It's okay, u can keep it and use it as soon as you have the requirement.

I will change into trade jobs, i choose accountant. With accountant i can learn accounts and frugality. Accounts skill are important to see the market rates and hagle the price, while with frugality, you can reduce the provision consumption of your crew.
And then back to beginner school again (yes... again). Why, you will get another basic guild card. In my case, I will get another merchant basic guild card.
Oh, and this time I get  merchant ship which always has big cargo.

With the merchant guild card i get, i will take mineral trader simply because i want to be a caster, but mostly because i want to learn caution skill. Caution skill help reduce chance of being attacked or even ambushed by the NPC's. You might love to attack every NPC coming to your way, but trust me, it will be annoying when your Vaisseau attacked by a barca only because you don't have caution. :D

And off course I will continue to intermediate school again. I want that guild card. :P
After you finish it, you should have 1-2 adventure/merchant/maritime basic guild card

I believe now you have level 10 adventures and level 10 trade. If you didnt have that level yet, spend some time to reach that level first by doing adventures or simple trade.

When u have it, go to John Dee in London, and learn Body Language. Then you can get rid all other language except your nation language. Be warned, this skill need vigour, so make sure u always have stock vigour food in your bag. And you will have difficulty to trade with another player when you didn't have the same language as they do. Not a big deal, when you have aide, they also have language you can use.

Now we start maritime. I choose to change into Jr. Officer because it has steering and gunnery. Steering is really good to make your ship turn faster, also has multiple benefit if you're a maritime.

Yes school again, beginner again, as maritime.
And when u finish it, u will have battle ship. I don;t really like this battle ship, so hard to turn.
And another maritime basic guild card.

What maritime job i should take? I can't say, the next maritime job will be depends on your play style.

Now you have finished all beginner and intermediate school. You have enough guild card to take new jobs to learn, and you have sufficient skill to start playing seriously.

And you have level more than 5/5/5, you can start your university life in oxford. I wont explain much about oxford here.

From here, you can decide what you wanna do. Don't forget to take advance school in Pisa. Yes! Another school, shoo...shoo... finish it.

Good Luck and Enjoy your game. ^_^

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